Thursday, April 3, 2008

The "What Ifs"

What if....what if...what if....

I have a case of the 'what ifs'. What if I'm making a mistake? What if moving to Rochester is a mistake? What if starting a business is a BIG mistake? What if my business fails? What if I dive into this and realize I can't afford to pay the mortgage? What if....what if...what if...

It's not like I can take a pill and cure this sickness. I think if we didn't have that running through our heads at times we wouldn't be human. So how do I make it go away?

Well, I could listen to my doubts and scrap the whole thing. But where would that leave me? The fact is, I've made lots of mistakes in my life and am almost guaranteed to make another. But maybe, just maybe, it won't be a mistake. Maybe it will work out. Maybe it'll be the best decision I've ever made. Or maybe it won't.

Oh, the "what ifs" are painful. My head hurts.

1 comment:

kat said...

Everyone gets the what ifs.. if you're being true to yourself, you can't go wrong because no matter the outcome, you won't regret anything. I think having a support network in Rochester will be invaluable as well.
