Monday, April 14, 2008

What to do in the meantime??

As much as I would like my business to just appear out of thin air, I don't live in a fairy tale world. It'll take time. It'll take work. It'll take money.

So what should I do in the meantime? I'll need a job. I've thought about going back to waiting tables. It's good money. I can work at night and have all day to do what needs to be done. But it's not easy.

There are other options. I can get a part time job in a lab some where using the skills I've acquired over the past few years.

But I have other talents too. I can write. I'm a good public speaker. I'm good at designing presentations. Maybe I should look into that. Maybe I can help others design presentations, for a fee of course. But again, that's another thing I have to market myself for.

Hmmm...what to do in the meantime.


kat said...

Are you in Rochester yet?

Nature's Nook said...

Nope....not yet. End of the month
