Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yoga and stress

Recently I talked about how to deal with stress by the use of massage, hot baths and essential oils. Now I thought I would share with you the benefits of yoga. Yoga teaches you how to be centered through breathing, poses and concentration.

One of the main philosophies is to Be In the Moment. Let the mind and the body be in the same space. If you are focusing on your breathing or your pose, you are not worrying about other things. The best thing I find about yoga is that you don't have to spend hours a day to get the same benefits. A few moments doing a breathing technique can really help release the troubled mind.

Find yourself at work all day? No problem. Yoga can be practiced anywhere at any time. Take a moment to do a forward bend or a spinal twist. The Yoga Journal has lots of helpful hints on how to take yoga with you.

And then when your ready, go for the inversion. Ok, I haven't mastered the head stand yet, but I'm working on it. As you can see here during my latest trip to Panacea Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica. The inversion does wonders for relieving stress. It helps bring oxygenated blood to the brain, it relieves gravity's pressure on your back but most of all it almost always forces you to have mind and body in one place.....when doing a head stand I can guarantee your not thinking about what ever it was that brought you into the headstand to begin with.

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