Friday, April 18, 2008

Being yourself

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. ~Chinese Proverb

Isn't this the truth. I was researching some new products when I ran across this proverb.

In fact I think this is perfect for those in business. How many times have you put on a that fake smile to please the person who is annoying you the most? Or shaken the hand of some one who the mere thought of touching them sends shivers down your spine? And not the good shivers if you know what I mean.

But at the end of the day, when you're done being who you think you should be, you head home and you become who you are.

So is it best to just be who you are all the time? Is that bad for business? I don't think so. Personally I believe if you can be real and if you can be you it'll build a more trusting relationship with your clients. At least maybe it'll make life less difficult.

1 comment:

kat said...

I totally agree for SO many reasons.. you're on the right track, girl!
