Monday, March 31, 2008

Designing a logo

Pink Ribbons. The Golden Arches. A slightly bitten apple. You recognize each one, don't you? Whether it's a cause, a fast food restaurant or a computer conglomerate, you can see them in your head, right? That is how important a logo is. So I too wanted something that is unique, something that sticks in peoples heads, something that represented my product and something that maybe will be remembered.

My first thing was to search the web and see what other people had done. In doing this, I found numerous websites and programs that offer to design your logo for you, free. Yup, they all say free. Of course the kicker is: after you have designed the logo. You can't do anything with it unless you pay. In other words, design all you want, but unless you fork over the fees ranging from about $60 - $130 you don't get to use the logo. I wasn't about to pay.

But what this did for me was help me narrow what I wanted to do. So I fiddled with the programs, looking at what they offered for logos and the designs that are available. So it's still a good creative process.

In the end, I used Word Publisher and come up with my own. I chose the basic leaf format because it's simple and it represents nature. I found a bunch through clip art and on the web. But I had to be careful I wasn't using an already registered drawing.

Once I came up with a bunch of logo options, it was time to move on to the slogan. Now that's tough. Let's play the game again: Just do it. Can you hear me now? So easy a cave man can do it. Did you get them all? I bet you did.

There are slogan generators to. You just put in a key word and it spits back a phrase. Crap. All crap. This part I was on my own. A slogan should do two things; 1) represent the product and 2) Be catchy.

So I did my best and when all said and done, I designed four different logos with four different sayings and written in four different fonts. Sent them off to some of my friends and family and asked that they pick one.

And this is what we have:

Of course, it's subject to change.....

1 comment:

kat said...

Ooooh! I really like this one. I couldn't see the others you sent me because I don't have windows applications on my mac. I love what you came up with.
