Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dealing with stress

This morning I woke up not feeling like my normal self. I had a bit of a stomach ache. My head felt woozy. I have a knot in my back that you could use for bowling. And my body felt like it was steam rolled by Jolly the Green Giant.

It's called stress. And we all get it. Lucky me, I have a massage scheduled today. Currently I have insurance that pays for 52 massages a year. All I pay is $10 for the week. So if I have two massages a week, that's $10. If I don't go at all, then I pay nothing. Massage is a great way to deal with the stress of business and life.

But if you don't like people touching you or you don't have the amazing insurance, there are other ways to deal with pressure, anxiety or tension. DON'T REACH FOR THE DRUGS!

Did I say that loud enough? Before heading to the medicine cabinet try a hot bath. The warmth of the water will help ease your muscles. If you like fragrances try adding some lavender chamomile bath tea (to be sold by me soon). Put on some soft music. Maybe light a few candles. And let the stress float away with the gentle aromas of essential oils.

1 comment:

kat said...

Wow. That's some super top shelf extra luxurious health insurance you've got there. I can't even get chiropractic visits covered until I meet my $10K annual deductible. I wish Canada wasn't so cold.
