Saturday, April 12, 2008

Music soothes the savage customer

Have you ever walked into a business just to turn right around and leave because of the music being played? Seriously folks, music is important. It sets the mood and makes your customers happy. And what does a happy customer do? They buy things. And that makes business owners happy too.

Recently, I was at the Muddy Waters coffee bar in Charleston, SC with a friend when he noticed the fantastic mix of music being played. The next thing I know, he's questioning the barrister and learned it was from , The Music Genome Project.

This amazing website, which is free, allows you to design your own radio station. Created by a group of musicians and music-loving technologists, these music "genes capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song".

It's simple. Put in an artist, a song, or song style that fits the profile of your business and let The Music Genome do the rest. Guaranteed to please your customers.

1 comment:

kat said...

That is the most awesomely kick ass site I've seen in quite some time! Thanks.
