Monday, May 5, 2008

My Crazy Eights

My Crazy Eights

I was tagged by The Independent Mom to post eight crazy random things about myself. Well, why not find out a little bit about the person behind the business. So, here they are!

* I want to start a business with no money.

* I have no radio in my car. Instead I listen to my own thoughts.

* I don't like naked toes. My toe nails must be painted at all times. Any color will do.

* I play underwater hockey.

* I'm addicted to LOST.

* I can drink 5 cups of coffee and still take a nap afterwards.

* I don't kill bugs in my house. Instead I practice capture and release.

* I love oreo cookies for dinner.


Each player starts with 8 random things about themselves.

At the end of your post, tag 8 people and include their names & links.

Those who are tagged will post about their own 8 random things, including these rules as well.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment on their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to come back and read your blog for the whole story.

To join in the fun, I'm tagging (I don't know 8 people with blogs that haven't been tagged yet):


1 comment:

Unbalanced Libra said...

Those are great! I don't kill bugs either but I could not drive without a radio!!!
