Saturday, March 1, 2008

The high or low road?

Many of us face this very question in our life time, however it is usually a moral dilemma. In my case, it was a literal question of where to start my business. I knew that in my present location, it was not an en devour I wanted to take on, for several reasons I won't get into here. And since they always say the most important part of any real estate is location, location, location I knew it was going to be a very important decision.

The high road would take me to Rochester, NY. Better known as my birthplace. I grew up in Penfield NY, suburbia USA, right outside the larger metropolis of Rochester. There I was familiar with the lay of the land. My parents are still there. A few childhood girlfriends remain. And many friends of the family have taken shelter against the cold winters. I knew I would have lots of moral, emotional and even physical support in Rochester, but would have to face the cold blistery winters once again. And being that I have lived in the south for 12 years now, this was a terrifying thought.

The low road would take me back to St Petersburg, Fla where I lived for five years before moving to my present location. There was sun shine. There was the ocean. There were girlfriends who I have come to love. A slightly different support group, but a support group none the less. But in Florida I would also face higher real estate and insurance prices.

The only way to solve such a dilemma is to do the research. And that is what I did. I traveled to both places. I checked out possible retail space. The price, the area, the size. I talked with people. I weighed the pros and cons of both places. But most importantly, I let my gut feelings lead me. Is this the best when it comes to starting a business? I'm sure many will tell you absolutely not. But I knew that if I was going to take on the world, it had to feel right.

In the end, the old saying "home is where the heart is" stands the test of time. And I find myself packing the sweaters to travel the high road back to Rochester NY. Now that I think about it, ever since I left that winter wonderland 12 years ago, I never did stop calling it home.


kat said...

I think following your gut is the most important thing, in business or otherwise. As long as you can differentiate it from the mental chatter that seeks to deter you, you'll always do the most honest thing for yourself and the result will be happiness! Now... go hug a tree.

Nature's Nook said...

I think I got a splinter from that last tree.
