Monday, March 3, 2008

How am I going to pay for it all?

I guess that's my first road block. Nay, not just a block but a brick wall. And honestly I have no idea. Recently some one asked me if I had a business plan. "A what?" Of course I said that internally so not to embarrass myself. And sadly admitted that I had no idea what a business plan was. But apparently, it lets me know just how much money I'm going to need.

My first slap of reality. I have no money and no plan to go with it.

At one point I thought I could just get a business loan. That would work right? I would waltz into a bank, pitch them my idea and be sure I had my business plan in hand. But what if that doesn't work?

This is where my Internet hobby comes in. Well, a little bit more then a hobby, perhaps a small addiction. I make money on the internet. Yes, I really do and can prove it if you don't believe me. It costs me nothing. It's free. And I've met some wonderful people.

It's the world known as GPT, or Get Paid To. You get paid for reading emails, doing surveys, signing up for free stuff and competing in contests. It's a whole BIG world out there that so many don't know exists. It does. Just waiting for me so I can make my money and support my business. Ok, that was a stretch. I probably won't support my business, but I can at least put food on the table and gas in my tank.

There are a lot of sites out there and you have to be careful. Some sites are owned by not so upright citizens, if you know what I mean. But here I list a few sites that have paid me. That are owned by honest people. That are fun to do. And did I say have paid me?


Low $5 payout and daily spelling bee makes it easy to rack up points that you can trade in for cash

Squishy Cash

A $3 sign up bonus. It's like free cash, whenever. Contests galore and an easy to use site.


Another one with a $3 sign up bonus. Nothing like instant money! Plus this is a great site owner and lots of contests that can help boost your earnings.

Need to know how to do it all? Click here

So there you have it. My business plan for making money includes the vast world wide web. I wonder what the bank would say to that?

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