Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My first meeting

Went...well ok.

I packed up a little bag with all I have to offer. Which, granted, isn't a lot right now. But it's a start. I typed up a price sheet with a nicely done cover letter.

Drove my happy butt over there and met with the owners. I showed them everything, told them a little bit about me and what I was hoping to accomplish.

It ended with "I think we're interested, but let us think about it and we'll email you".

Needless to say, I'm not super excited about this. I hope it comes through. But I won't be surprised if it doesn't.

Looking back I realize there are things I could have done better. As some one mentioned to me, I should of had an order form with me. So if they were interested, they could have placed the order right then and there.

I should have had all my product. I felt sort of empty.

If anything, it was a learning experience.

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